Sunday, July 3, 2016

Complete Workout Without Weights For Fat Loss

There are many reasons why we gain fat. One of these reasons has to do with our hormone structure. Women tend to gain fat much easier than men. Estrogen has a greater tendency to cause fat gain. Testosterone, on the other hand is a hormone which helps minimize fat gain.

Workout Without Weights

Hence, the key to designing a proper workout without weights for fat loss is to make sure that you're activating as much muscle as possible within a training session. The two hormones that are crucial for both muscle gain and fat loss are Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and Testosterone.

These two hormones are released when your activate a large muscle group. This is the reason why training your legs is the best way to put on more muscle throughout your entire body. But what most people don't know is that training a large muscle group is also a great way to burn fat.

Now, most bodyweight exercises are compound in nature. A compound movement is a movement that works more than one muscle group at the same time. For years, I thought that just sticking to basic pushups, pullups, and squats was the best way to put on muscle mass and lose fat.

But, I was only partially correct. Even though these movements are great exercises, they're only scratching the surface when it comes to bodyweight training. What you actually want to start doing is movements that have you twist, turn, and explode.

For example, take a look at the physiques of dancers, gymnasts, and yogis (people who practice yoga). They all train with their bodyweight, but they do not rely on pushups, pullups, and squats. Mimic their movements and you'll be able to burn off a lot of fat!

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